Embrace the Warmth: Mediterranean Interior Design Ideas for a Tranquil Home


The Mediterranean-style interior design embodies the relaxing, calm atmosphere typical of the warm resorts of European countries. It is a manifestation of European beach life specifically of Southern Europe. This design style is predominantly characterized by light natural colors with pops of bright hues to give the ambience of seaside and coastal areas. Original ideas by top interior designers in Singapore like Swiss Interior will help you find the perfect solution for a stylish interior.

Mediterranean Style Living Room

The Mediterranean theme has become widespread and has gained popularity due to its naturalness, lightness, and simplicity. This interior design in Singapore is saturated with elements of the culture of the Arab countries, Spain, Greece, and Italy.


Origins Of Mediterranean Interior Design

The basis of the Mediterranean interior design style is the influence of nature and the climate of countries located on the warm coast. The history of this region goes back centuries when the Roman Empire and Greece were flourishing. Strong, actively developing states were famous for a variety of crafts and a love for art.

The colonization of new lands enriched the culture, saturating it with new colours. The warm Mediterranean Sea only contributed to this, uniting Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The next surge and cultural upsurge occurred in the period after the end of World War II. At this time, active migration of the population from the countryside to the cities began. It led to the enrichment of urban interiors with the colour of country houses. Visit Swiss Interior for more interior design trends for your design ideas.


Characteristics and Varieties of the Mediterranean Interior Design Style

The Mediterranean interior design style is recognizable, has its own characteristics, and includes several directions. Since the mediterranean countries are known for a fusion of indoor and outdoor living, this is translated in the interiors in the form of natural materials, earthly color tones, and rich textures. This design style suits the warm and sunny climates of Singapore. The main features include:

  • the spaciousness of the premises;

  • large windows;

  • the use of natural materials in decoration;

  • white, minimalist backdrops on which layers of colors and textures make their statement

  • Breezy interiors

  • preference is given to warm colours and blue hues that act as accents on the neutral backdrops

  • the use of elements of the marine theme;

  • lack of congestion of the design;

  • patterns and ornaments - in the spirit of the traditions of national color (waves, images of plants, etc.);

  • good lighting;

  • functional reliable furniture made of high-quality wood.

Just a look at the condo interior designs from Swiss Interior that include the above-mentioned features like patterns and ornaments. You might notice potted plants to add greenery to the space.

Mediterranean Style Living Room 2

The Mediterranean interior design style resembles Provence in some of its features, but there are still differences. It combines several areas, each of which has its own distinctive features inherent in a particular area.

Italian Motives: Elegance and Light Shades

The Italian direction is soft and iridescent, in which the emphasis is on light shades and the elegance of forms. The main colours of such interiors include:

  • light green;

  • yellow;

  • peach;

  • orange;

  • blurry pink;

The decor should look natural as if it has survived more than one generation. It can be forging, painting, or woodcarving.

Furniture in the spirit of Italy - practical and necessarily functional - bookcases, shelves for storing travel souvenirs. For small things, it is better to use boxes so as not to overload the design.

Greek Conciseness: Emphasizing Graphic Forms and Colours

The interior in the style of Greece is rich in colours of yellow, green, turquoise, and blue. Its purpose is to emphasize the graphic forms of frames, mouldings, and door trims.

Mediterranean Style Bedroom

A feature of the Greek direction is a play on contrasts and alternations of colors. White with blue, and black with gold look good. Blotches can introduce brighter colors - pink, orange, and red.

Greek decor is always natural. The best option is clay dishes, typical for handicraft farms on the Greek coast.

Spanish temperament: A Blend of Aristocracy and Audacity

The Spanish direction of style is a harmonious combination of aristocracy and audacity in design. Reference colours - terracotta, beige, white, brown.

The characteristic features of such interiors are Spanish patterns on textiles and tiled mosaics. Natural stone, clay, and massive ceiling beams complete the colour scheme. The decor can be emphasized with national embroidery, forged elements, and other handmade items.

Arabic variant: Elegance and Simplicity

The Arabic direction is oriental elegance combined with the stylish simplicity of the Mediterranean. To embody the local colour, you can use the following techniques:

  • use arches;

  • lay out tiles in an oriental style;

  • use painting.

 Pros and Cons of Mediterranean Interior Design

There are several advantages of choosing a Mediterranean theme for your home interior design. Some of these include:

  • The biggest advantage of this design style is the coastal and curb feel that you get whether it is through the interior or the exterior of the house. With warm earthly tones and seaside-inspired architecture and interior, this home is bound to stand out among others.

  • Mediterranean interiors’ main emphasis is on indoor-outdoor living. This is often achieved through a balcony, patio, swimming pool, courtyards, or lawns. Thus, in such a home, you get to enjoy the indoor and outdoor aspect of living.

  • The details and decoration in a Mediterranean-themed home sets it apart from others. Through detailing such as mosaic patterns, natural materials, and the amalgamation of varying textures, this style gives a very distinctive vibe.

Although Mediterranean design has several advantages, it has its fair share of challenges. Some of these include:

  • Mediterranean style is not suitable for colder climates as the materials used in the exterior may not hold up well in snow and freezing temperatures. For example, some characteristic materials used in this style like stucco, terracotta and clay tiles may not handle the freezing temperatures very well and will require constant maintenance.

  • Although suitable for warm climates, the materials used in this design style require constant maintenance because of the direct exposure to the Sun. This will contribute towards greater maintenance costs and efforts.

  • The Mediterranean interior needs to be planned carefully so that all elements work together in harmony. Otherwise, such a design can easily look cluttered and messy.

Mediterranean Style Design Tips For Your Home in Singapore

The modern interior design of the entire apartment or house in the Mediterranean style is an organic combination of colours and textures on residential and non-residential premises. Only in this case, the home will look organic and natural - as if everything happened by itself.

Living Room: The Heart of the Mediterranean Home

Designing the living room as the main room sets the tone for the entire home. The Mediterranean interior design requires the creation of an interior that differs from the usual canons - the atmosphere of the sea coast and the beach should be felt in the room. 

To equip the living room in a Mediterranean design, you can use a couple of sofas and armchairs. Let’s take a look at how Swiss Interior has come up with this:

Mediterranean Style Living Room 3

Curtains may not be at all. If they are necessary, then it is better to choose not dark, simple rectangular shapes. Candlesticks, products with forging elements, vases, and potted flowers are suitable for decoration. Notice how a traditional, Mediterranean-patterned rug sets the mood for this design. Deep, bottle-green sofa and a similar colored wall offer a Greek-style ambience. Natural light from multiple windows along with different forms of modern lighting like spotlights, track lights, and lamps help enhance all the various accents in this coastal cum eclectic interior design.

Bedroom: A Comfortable Sanctuary

The basis for the formation of the interior of the bedroom design is to ensure a comfortable stay. The floor is usually laid wooden, which can be supplemented with a carpet for comfort. For wall decor, panels, and paintings with landscapes, plants in large pots can be selected. In the following portfolio by Swiss Interior, a traditional woolen rug with typical patterns help create a cozy ambience in the bedroom. The warm wooden floors with light colored walls give a coastal feel with a touch of artistic appearance.



Kitchen: A Taste of the Southern Countries

Mediterranean cuisine is the colour of the southern countries, which is created by warm colours and natural materials. In such a room, wooden furniture, clay objects, vases, and pots with fresh flowers, as well as a mosaic in the decoration of a kitchen apron, would be appropriate. The image shows a characteristic Mediterranean kitchen with wooden floors and fish scale pattern backsplash, giving the ambience of beach-side space. We provide good kitchen renovation in Singapore.

Mediterranean Style Kitchen

Hall: Embrace Simplicity

The hall should not be dark and gloomy. If sunlight does not enter here, this should be compensated by good artificial lighting. Finishing in the spirit of the southern countries should be simple, without unnecessary details.

Historically, in the interiors of the Mediterranean, there should not be a lot of furniture in the room, and the hallway is no exception. Only functional objects of simple shapes should be placed in the corridor, without unnecessary decor. Again, seaside colors such as sandy neutrals, white, and blue should dominate the hall with pops of vibrant colors like orange, yellow, and green.

Bathroom: Practicality and Bathroom in Unity

Tiles in the bathroom interior design and stone are not only practical but also beautiful. Moreover, for Spain, Italy, and Greece - such material is typical. The ceiling is desirable to be matte. whitewashing will cope well with such a task. Consider the following bathroom as an inspiration. Exposed pipes on the ceiling and bright patterned floor tiles are typical of a bathroom in this particular design style.

Mediterranean Style Bathroom

Natural wood will help maintain the style of the warm coast. It can be used limitedly, for example, in the form of shelves, or more extensively (racks, cabinets, drawers), if free space allows.

Children's room: Safety and comfort

The design of the children's room in the Mediterranean style gives scope for imagination. The chosen style is environmentally friendly and comfortable for life. It is not difficult to create comfort for a small child - after all, natural materials and textiles that are natural in composition are used.

By implementing these tips, you can transform your home into a Mediterranean paradise, capturing the warmth and vibrancy of the style’s coastal origins.

Essential Elements of Mediterranean Interior Design

The basic elements of a Mediterranean interior design include:

  • Neutral backdrop with seaside and coastal hues like sandy neutrals, ocean blue, cool green, and dark wood colors.

  • A few pops of bright and striking colors to create accents on the neutral backdrop brings the design to life.

  • Use of natural materials like wood, leather, and wool to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

  • Addition of rich textiles and exquisite patterns corresponding to Southern Europe.

  • Use of rustic and elegant furnishings adds an old-world charm to the modern setting.

  • Stone or terracotta floors, which may be substituted by hardwood floors.

  • Exposed wooden beams add depth and character to the design.

  • Mosaic patterned tiles on walls or floors.

What are Mediterranean colors?

The Mediterranean interior design finds its roots in the Arabian and Southern Europe regions, thus the colors used in this design are specific to these areas. Moreover, this style is a manifestation of the coastal and seaside regions, hence natural coastal hues also dominate these interiors. Typical colors used in this design style include sandy beige, striking ocean blues, rich terracotta reds, bright sunny yellows, leafy greens, and textured white. To further add a natural touch to the atmosphere, metallic colors of copper and gold may also be used in the interior.

Colour spectrum

The interior in the style of the countries on the Mediterranean coast is characterized by the natural shades of this area: the sea, flowers, sky, and sand. The main ones among them are:

  • beige;

  • sand;

  • turquoise;

  • lavender;

  • blue;

  • brown;

  • blue;

  • blue;

  • green.

These colours go well together. Additionally, there may be inclusions of white, olive, pink, and terracotta. Such shades become the main ones both in the choice of interior decoration and in the selection of textiles and accessories for the interior.

Interior Materials Used in the Mediterranean Style

As discussed above, mediterranean interiors are dominated by the use of natural materials and furnishings. Therefore, the most common materials that you would find in such an interior include wooden furniture, wrought iron detailing and decor, ceramic tiles and ornaments, and terracotta ceilings and walls. Moreover, the upholstery and other fabrics that you see in such an interior also complement the other natural materials in the form of linen, rattan, cotton, and wool. Thus, in this design style, you would hardly see artificial and synthetic materials.

Transforming Your House into a Mediterranean Haven

There are certain ways in which you can create a Mediterranean vibe in your house. These include:

  • Create terracotta roofs and ceiling in your house.

  • Add exposed wooden beams in the interior.

  • Use a color theme that is inspired from coastal areas. These colors could include beige, brown, blue, green, and yellow. Keep a cool color theme and add pops of colors as accents where required.

  • Create textured walls with stucco on the exteriors and mosaic-tiled or stone walls in the interior.

  • Add wrought iron detailing in the interior in the form of decoration and ornamentation.

  • Also use ceramic decoration.

  • Create outdoor sitting areas as well to create a fusion of indoor-outdoor living.

  • Make sure there is plenty of light inside your home.

  • Use eclectic elements in the design.

What is the best flooring for Mediterranean style homes?

Whatever flooring material you choose for your home, it should have distinctive Arabian, Spanish, or Italian inspired tilework or patterns. Usually, in a Mediterranean style home, stone floors in hues of sandy beige, ocean blue, and earthly browns are used. Porcelain tiles are also an alternate option to stone floors. Just make sure that the patterns and texture of these tiles correspond to the Southern European region’s distinctive characteristics.

Understanding Tuscan vs Mediterranean Styles

Tuscan interior design refers to the design that is completely inspired by Italian styles and architecture whereas Mediterranean design is a fusion of elements taken from Italy as well as other countries such as Greece, Morocco, Spain, Arabian countries, and neighboring regions.

Finishes and materials

Authentic, most suitable for stylish decoration in the spirit of the Mediterranean coast, are natural materials. These are stone, wood, glass, and ceramic tiles. It is they who are able to create the effect of unity with nature.

If it is not possible to use solid wood or natural stone, imitations that repeat their color and texture can be used. It is also an up-to-date mosaic that can be laid on the floor, and walls used to decorate mirror frames, etc.

Choosing Furniture

Mediterranean style does not impose particularly complex requirements for the choice of furniture. The main criteria for the correct selection of modern interior design elements are the following factors:

  • natural materials;

  • the simplicity of design;

  • functionality;

  • minimalistic decorative elements.

If possible, it is better to give preference to objects made of natural wood. Such stools, cabinets, and chests of drawers will fully match the style and will last a very long time.

Decor and Lighting 

The decor of the room and the selection of the right accessories allow you to correctly add accents and visually adjust the existing features of the room. Accessories typical for the design of a Mediterranean-style apartment:

  • landscapes on the walls;

  • ceramic tableware;

  • flowers in pots, and even trees (for example, an olive tree);

  • shells;

  • panel;

  • mosaic inclusions;

  • stones.

The Mediterranean style allows you to recreate the atmosphere of the sun-drenched sea coast in the apartment. At the same time, each of the rooms will be comfortable and functional. The created interior in the Mediterranean style will make the house loved and comfortable, just the way it is always pleasant to return. Swiss Interior is one of the best interior design companies in Singapore. We provide interior design for HDB, renovation, and condominium interior design services. Contact us today!

About Swiss Interior

Swiss Interior Team

Swiss Interior is a leading interior design company in Singapore since 2012. Led by founders Jason and Ronnie, the Swiss team serves customers from all walks of life, delivering bespoke and dream interior design and renovation services to all homeowners in Singapore.

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  • Singapore outstanding enterprise award (2013)
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  • First ID firm to win 1 Week Kitchen Challenge by HomeRenoGuru (2019)
  • Featured in NOC RenoKing (2020)
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  • Featured in CNA Lifestyle Making Room (2021)
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Design StylesSwiss Interior